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ACT – Autism Community Training: Social Stories with Carol Gray

19 / July / 2018 - 20 / July / 2018

Carol Gray
Founder and Innovator, Social Stories Satellite Schools and Services, and Carol’s Club

Social Stories can play an essential role in enhancing communication and bringing down anxiety among individuals with ASD.  Over the past two decades, Social Stories, and their innovator, Carol Gray, have earned the respect of parents, professionals, and people with autism, for their utility in providing clear explanations of what is often a confusing social world. This Social Stories 10.2 workshop, led by Carol Gray, will devote two full days to the art and science of Social Stories, with the focus on practicing skills and discussing new strategies.

Join us at the beautiful Vancouver Island Conference Centre, to polish your Social Stories skills or discover the versatility of this instructional strategy for the first time. No previous experience of Social Stories is required.


19 / July / 2018
20 / July / 2018


Mt Benson Ballroom
Vancouver Island Conference Centre
Nanaimo, BC V9R 5J8 Canada
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